New premises open in West Moors, Ferndown, click here to book your free introductory consultation

Because Healthy Minds Make Healthy Bodies

A dedicated centre for the treatment of Stress, Anxiety, Chronic Pain and Functional & Chronic Health Issues. And the condition called life.

Our team of experienced psychological and functional health therapists offer proven therapies including; Counselling, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, CBT, IEMT, Mindfulness, Acupuncture, Nutritional Therapy & Massage and a variety of Complementary Therapies.

Contact us below to find out more or to book a free introductory consultation. Call us on: 01202 929941.

Healthful Mind Clinic Owner Alexa

“The definition of a problem, is something that has a solution.”

We are in the business of providing solutions through evidence-based treatments that can provide you with relief, recovery and management of both emotional and physical health issues. Helping you to get on with the business of living your life.

Our aim is to make getting the help you need as simple as possible.

We understand that problems come in all shapes and sizes and that as you arrive here on this page, you may not know the cause of your problem or what therapy will offer you the solution you desire.

With this in mind you may choose to by-pass the rest of the website and just book a call to talk to our clinic director Alexa Warner, to discuss your situation in more detail. The easiest way to do this is to CLICK HERE to send us a message and Alexa will call you back asap.

However if you would like more information, find out more about us, the conditions that we treat, as well as the therapies that we offer, then please browse through the website from the sections below. However if you do not find what you are looking for, then please do contact us as we are here to help.

Book an Introductory Consultation in Clinic or Online.

Counselling and therapy services for anxiety, stress, confidence, success, fears, phobias, weight management and more.

We Can Help With

We help with both the psychological and physical aspects of stress, anxiety, ADHD, chronic pain and physical health issues such as diabetes, hormone health, stroke, arthritis, MS, digestive disorders to name just a few.

As well as dealing with the symptoms of these conditions, sleep, relationships, ability to work, weight and the quality and enjoyment you get from your life can also be impacted when you become emotionally or physically unwell.

Whether you have a diagnosed condition or are just aware that you are not feeling as healthy or happy as you would wish, we are here to help.

We are a team of specialist practitioners offering mind based solutions: counselling, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, coaching and more.

What We Do

We provide a holistic approach through scientifically proven evidence based solutions, treating the cause, symptoms and the impact of your condition. Ultimately enabling you to reach your optimum level of emotional and physical health.

To help you regain the health and happiness you desire we offer a both mind based therapies including; counselling, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, CBT, Mindfulness, IEMT and other psychological therapies, alongside the functional and complementary health treatments of acupuncture, nutrition, massage, reflexology and more.

Anxiety and Stress Treatments

How We Do It

One size does not fit all. Our aim at The Healthful Mind Clinic & Wellbeing Centre is to make accessing the most effective and comprehensive treatment for you achievable & accessible. Fitting in with your needs, lifestyle and budget.

Most of our clients work one to one with one of our therapists, following a bespoke treatment plan.

We also offer the options of group courses, classes, workshops and events, in our West Moors clinic, at local venues and an online service where applicable for those out of area. There really is something for everyone.

5.0 19 reviews

  • Avatar Malcolm West ★★★★★ a week ago
    Alexa helped me by carefully listening to how I wished to make changes to my life and then formulated a comprehensive and well explained approach for the changes. Having worked through her program with her I now live without the issues … More that I had put up with for the previous 30+ years. Try hypnosis - it really works!
  • Avatar Lauren Brooke-Potter ★★★★★ a month ago
    My time with Alexa at the Healthful Mind Clinic & Well-being Centre has made such a profound change in my life. She gave me a real understanding of why I was facing the problems I had and valuable life long solutions to move forward … More with. Not only that but our subconscious work using hypnotherapy helped me to regulate my dysregulated nervous system, calm my erratic emotions and help rewrite self limiting beliefs. This therefore instilled a stable, calm and assured approach to my life where before was chaos and fear. Her kind, confident and welcoming personality creates an environment where you can really open up safely and truly know that nothing is too big to overcome. I can’t thank her enough!
  • Avatar daniel robinson ★★★★★ a month ago
    Please read on. As most of us look for the bad reviews and ignore the the good ones as they seem fake or made up by friend and family, this is a true review from someone who was very apprehensive about seeking help with a health anxiety … More problem. I approached the clinic with an open mind thinking my life couldn't get any worse than it was back then, so it’s worth a shot. I cant express enough how helpful Alexa was throughout my treatment. My anxiety came out of the blue with no warning and took over every aspect of my life for some time before I sought help. I was the your typical, man up and deal with it kind of guy. Did it work from day one?? No. However week by week I was starting to see some improvement in my situation and after a few sessions with Alexa I started to relax and really take on board what was needed to help solve this problem. I do believe that you have to put in the hard work yourself with therapy, please don’t expect to sit in a chair and get fixed for a few quid, it dosnt work that way. I found myself laughing, angry, sad, slightly annoyed, feeling stupid and at one point asleep, however every time a session finished I was feeling more prepared to take this anxiety on for what it really is, to me it was a fear and with an existing health condition. I walked into the clinic on a scale of 10/10 of feeling anxious and scared of tackling every day tasks, and now I’d be honest and say I’m 2/10, not %100 over this, but feeling so much more optimistic that eventually I can put this behind me and move on with my life. Thank you Alexa for all the sessions we had, and probably will continue to have. I do hope that anyone who needs help can find the courage to take the first step and make contact with this amazing clinic to give themselves the chance to overcome any anxiety issues they have, this really is a condition that affects a lot of people from all walks of life and backgrounds and can hit you seemingly with no reason. Seek the help need, you have nothing to lose

Get To Know Our Team

  • Alexa Warner

    Clinic Director, Hypnotherapist, Coach, Counsellor, IEMT and Mindfulness

  • Juanita Duffin

    Clinical Aromatherapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage

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  • Colette Powell

    Hypnotherapy & Massage

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  • Emma Mills BSc(Hons), FdSc, DipION, mBANT, CNHC, TFT-Algo


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  • Zoe Newth

    Holistic Therapy

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  • Dr Neil Drew Neuropsychology West Moors

    Dr Neil Drew BSc (Hons), MSc, DClinPsych

    HCPC Registered Clinical Psychologist

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  • Tracey Simpson Reflexology Treatments in West Moors

    Tracey Simpson


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  • Joanne Lenny BSc Hons; Lic Ac; Dip Obs Gynae Fert, MBAcC


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Read Our Latest Blogs

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    If you, a friend or family member are struggling to deal with the symptoms or the physical and emotional impact of chronic pain, whether that be from accident, injury, medical…

  • Beyond Medication: The Role of Nutrition in IBS Management 

    February 6, 2024

    Introduction  As you are reading this article, you are no doubt experiencing a number of gut symptoms that have been diagnosed as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), or it is your…

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  • How to Set Goals For Living a Life You Love

    January 4, 2024

    Setting New Year Goals or making a New Year’s resolution can feel inspiring and motivational, but how do you make sure you follow these through and achieve the success you…

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Our Accreditations and Memberships

General Hypnotherapy Standards Council Registered Practitioner
General Hypnotherapy Register Registered Practitioner
A member of the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming logo
Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council accredited.
Registered BANT Member
Accredited member of the MHS register
Accredited member of the MNCS register
The National Hypnotherapy Society accredited.
Call Us ON 01202 929941