
This is a brand new website, so we’re just getting this information ready for you! Check back soon, because you’ll soon find extensive information about this area! In the meantime, we encourage you to get in touch with us!

We can not only help you resolve problems like anxiety, chronic pain, chronic illness, stress, depression, weight loss, relationships and more… but we can enhance your life with classes and programmes that will empower you to reach your health happiness and success potential.

We are a community of hypnotherapists and mind/body practitioners providing 1 to 1 and group sessions, courses and classes providing support and wellbeing to anyone wanting to take back control of their health & happiness.

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How can we help?

More Info Will Be Here Soon!

OK so we don’t always look after our bodies as well as we should (we can help there too!) but most of us know the importance of diet, sleep and exercise in our quest for a fit and healthy body, but what do we do to have a fit and healthy mind?

Your mind is one of the greatest influencers over the state of both your physical and emotional health, it will impact greatly on all aspects of your life from how you do things and what you do, personally and professionally.

Our highly experienced & knowledgeable practitioners, working with a variety of proven therapies & programmes are here to support you with positive solutions which can help you harness a healthy mind, a healthy, happy body and life.

We understand that looking for the right therapy, programme or person to help you can make seeking help a challenge in itself, so we are here to make it simple. You can browse the site for more information on our team of therapists, conditions we treat and the methods we use, as well as all the courses and classes we are currently running too! Alternatively, feel free to call us for more information.

Call Us On 01202 929941

Call Us ON 01202 929941