Colette Powell

Colette Powell

01202 929941

Hypnotherapy & Massage

Specialist Area: Therapeutic Massage, Deep Tissue Massage

‘STOP!!! moving about’ was one of the first words my husband said to me when I was laid in bed crying with dreadful back pain which ran upto my shoulder and into my neck, the result of a dislocated collar bone in my early 30’s.  I was trying as usual to get up and go to work so that nobody was left feeling let down.  I knew I wasn’t in any fit state to go anywhere but in my mind I had all these people relying on me to get to work.  I was in my early 40’s and feeling like a complete failure and in alot of physical pain.  I could see no way of getting any better and I was really worried about my future, I could only imagine it with more pain and time being incapacitated and bed-ridden.

I had qualified in my early 30’s as a counsellor and psychotherapist and worked for a time in this role and knew at some level there was a way to change this pattern of thought.  I decided that I needed to find a way back to holistic wellness, in mind, body spirit and this led me to a number of meetings by coincidence where I began to learn about the incredible power of the mind and the restorative value of massage.  I started reading and finding out all I could about physical, psychological, philosophical elements to life and how to use them to give a fully holistic approach towards my wellness. 

I made huge differences in my own life and encouraged by my results I decided to become qualified in massage therapy and Hypnotherapy to help family and friends. Using these skills over the last decade on myself, family, friends and clients has increased my knowledge and understanding in each area, my skill and experience is creating the results my clients have longed for.  They are experiencing new levels of freedom, both in movement and pain management and have found the self care information particularly useful in being able to empower their own lives and decisions. 

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been around for centuries and developed in most of the ancient cultures, Indian, Chineese, Greek, Roman with the Egyptians being one of the first cultures to use mussle and tissue manipulation as a tool for therapeutic reasons.  In fact Massage has been documented on temple walls along with Reflexology and Aromatherapy dating back to 2500BCE.

Massage is smoothing of a muscle fibre or other tissues to allow blood flow and oxygen into the area to promote healing, rejuvination and wellness.  In the example of injury this can help speed the healing process or allow fuller repair in that area. Any area of the body that receives this good blood flow remains healthy and functioning in it’s natural order.

What to expect

A session is usually comprised of a consultation to identify key areas of concern, or if a second session plus I will carry out a short assessment to find out about any changes. We will then do the session and work on the areas which we’ll agree before. Each session is usually between 1.5hrs and 2hrs and includes self care tips and any observations that may be helpful for time between sessions. Shorter sessions of 1hr are available for hand/foot massage or on prior arrangment. 

Who is Massage Therapy for?

This therapy helps older people who wish to stay active, mobile and physically independent, people with soft tissue injuries such as shoulder cuff injuries or neck and back pain, carpel tunnel sufferers. 

People who are looking for pain management or relief on an ongoing basis.

Athletes who are looking for muscle focused therapies to help relax and care for the muscles used during intense times such as sports.


Hypnotherapy has been used as part of religious, cultural and therapeutic practice with a long history. One of the earliest recording uses of hypnosis was by the ancient Egyptians  dating back to 2650 – 2590BCE and was carried out by a physician named Imhotep who was the physician vizier, architect and priest to the pharaoh Zoser.  Many ancient cultures also have long histories of using hypnosis for therapy and healing uses. The Indians practice Yoga with meditation practices, the Chinese through Qigong practice and the Greeks all have a version of hypnosis throughout their history.

Hypnosis uses a deep relaxation state to allow the conscious (thinking mind) to rest or sleep.  In this deep relaxation state it is possible to access the subconscious (automatic mind) which deals with background ‘auto’ actions such as habits, beliefs, fears/emotions.  It is at this level the client focuses and implements changes in thought patterns or beliefs which they feel are limiting them or preventing them from living the life they wish. 

Through conversation with the therapist  they can identify what it is in their lives they wish to change and the hypnosis is built specifically around that issue the client would like to resolve.

Who is Hypnotherapy for?

This therapy is suitable for anyone wanting to change habits such as eating issues, smoking and also for those people who are looking to recover from anxiety, depression, emotional trauma, drug issues or abusive relationships. 

We can also look at health matters where symptoms can be eased for someone living in discomfort.  Psoriasis, asthma, chronic conditions and those on pain management can find hypnosis and techniques very helpful in helping the symptoms and situations of the condition improve.

It is also really well suited to anyone wanting to excel in their chosen field be it sport, career, relationships, hobbies as we can train the mind to focus and concentrate on the task in hand.  Many Directors, CEO’s and top level management use hypnosis techniques to excel in their chosen fields.

What to expect

Any Rapid Transformation Therapy (hypnosis) session is completed in a number of stages.  The initial stage is to identify the issue the client would like to deal with. This can be anything from a bad habit to anxiety or depression. 

The client is then asked to attend a 2nd stage where the hypnosis regression or visualisation session is carried out.  This is usually a 90 min session or 120 min and this can depend on the complexity of the subject.

Stage 3 is a personalised recording that will be given to the client to listen to for 28 days.

During the 28 days the 4th stage will then be a call with the client to check they are happy with the recording and to offer additional support. 

Stage 5 is at the end of the 28 days when a follow-up call will ascertain if there is a need for any further sessions. 

Most clients receive the result they wanted in between 1 -3 sessions.


Each session is £150, package prices are available and allow for a discount.

Call Us ON 01202 929941