Stress & Anxiety Therapy

Stress, Anxiety & Feeling Overwhelmed

Stress and anxiety are very closely linked as once we become stressed and overwhelmed we begin to worry more, feeling anxious about the commitments we have made or whether we can cope with daily tasks.

Both of these states can cause many symptoms within the body and mind as they are signs that our defence mechanism is highly activated. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Racing heart or palpitations
  • Breathless or yawning
  • Sweaty palms or hot flushesA need to go to the toilet
  • Nausea
  • Lack of concentration
  • Racing mind or too many thoughts
  • Dizziness or light headed
  • Headaches or other pains
  • Gut disturbances
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Avoiding certain situations
  • Need to escape a situation, often planning an exit strategy.
  • Tiredness

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How can we help?

Anxiety & Panic: A Fear of Fear

All of these symptoms rather than being a sign of there being something wrong with you, are a sign that your survival response is working it has just become over-activated.

There are many reasons why stress and anxiety start, yet not so many as why they continue. This is why when addressing these challenges it is important to fully understand what has gone on in the past that has contributed to how you are feeling now.

When we try to stop these symptoms from happening or worry about whether they will happen, they just get worse as it heightens our awareness and fear of them. Anxiety and panic can be described as a fear of fear which is why once it starts it can become more generalised.

It is also why the solution to these conditions lies in training both body and mind to come into a calm and balanced state. Once this is achieved it is much easier to address the deeper causes easily and painlessly.

Mindfulness and Breathwork are just some of the tools and techniques that we use in the clinic to help you regain control of your emotions so you feeler calmer, healthier and happier.

If deep trauma or mental illness exists then the first place to start would be with our Counsellor and Psychotherapist Helen Downs, but for many people stress and anxiety can be addressed through a retraining and rebalancing programme.

The Healthful Mind Clinic offer both one-to-one and group programmes and support for these conditions. Please call the clinic or book your free 15-minute call here to find out more about our stress and anxiety therapy programmes.

Call Us ON 01202 929941